Building a brand from scratch is great fun and working with David Hewitt on his new venture was just that - Fun! And the amazing work we created shows that fun and success are definitely related. Great strategic thinking was at the heart of success with strategy workshops defining the brand positioning, buyer personas and content pillars.
Unlike other buyers advocate firms, Hewitt Property had a very specific target audience in mind - The very elite of the property market. As a new business starting-up, this tightly defined target audience was a blessing and a challenge.
Working with the Hewitt leadership team we based our strategy on insights gathered from the collective wisdom of the team and strong visionary direction.
Observation: Elite property buyers and sellers expect and demand the best results
Insight: More than anything, it's the fear of missing out or being revealed as someone who didn't get the best deal.
The strategy was to bring to life the elite nature of the target audience and the comprehensive end to end nature of Hewitt's Property Consulting services.
- The brand campaign was centred around the architectural nature of elite property
- The visual language we created comprised of 5 colours with the addition of a bronze foil.
- The imagery selected for the Hewitt brand was considered and aspirational
- We leveraged the common customer service saying ' the care factor'. By appropriating this language we introduced the Hewitt Factor placing service and client care in a manifesto style statement and enshrining it as common place for all Hewitt team members.